
What you think of me is none of my business


Nice concept? Total Nonsense? Yes, I have tried it and it works? Hmmmm ... I'll get back to you!


OK, so, some of you will have heard of this idea "What you think of me is none of my business"


When I first had this said to me, my first reaction was "Yea right, if someone is bad mouthing me or saying untrue things, I would want to know because I want the opportunity to defend myself and put the record straight"


Then I had it explained to me and my reaction was "Huh, that's interesting"

We all have different people that are in our lives: Family, Friends, Colleagues, Neighbours, Local Shop Keeper, and so on and so on and yes the people who follow you on social media or who you follow.


The question I pose to you is,  Who matters most in your life?   At the end of the day, it is only the people who you have a genuine friendship or relationship with that matter the most. They are the people that are in your life on a daily basis.   They are the people you confide in, these people confide in you.  You have a bond.  You know each other inside and out.  When there is trouble, they are the people you would pick up the phone to.  

Now ask yourself the next question:  How many people - Genuinely / Realistically do you know that you have that proper wholesome relationship with ? 

All of a sudden, I know you are thinking "Hell, my 1000's of peeps are now possibly 5/10/15 peeps.

For this to make sense, you need to look at these people you want in your life, you need in your life and have a connection with - If one of these people said something derogatory about you, you would be upset, right?  Yes of course RIGHT, but these peeps are in your corner so you talk things through even if you have done something dumb-ass. 


Now, the people who are not relevant and not a friend / confident / family member, why would you take on anything they have to say about you, given the fact; 1. They are not in your inner circle. 2. They don't know you. 3. You don't confide in them  4. You might cross paths once in a blue moon and even if you work with these people, they are not one of the people you have grown a bond with.  If these people are saying anything, its either on hear say or they are jealous and is their opinion really that important to you?  


In the words of @melrobbins LET THEM.   

When you can learn to develop and embrace "What you think of me is none of my business" you will have a happier life.

New Year Resolutions


Are you for or against the whole concept of New Year Resolutions?

What if I told you that there was another way of looking at New Year Resolutions that could make changing your life a little easier?

Are you interested?

A number of years ago, I realised I was only fooling myself with the whole New Year Resolutions.  While the concept is good, the realism is the majority of us give up by the second or third week.  Don't forget the Gym's rely on the first few weeks of January as it is where they make most of their money.  I do tip my hat to those who make New Year Resolutions and succeed.


New Year Resolutions, in my humble opinion, don't work because we are biting off more then we can chew.  Again, the lists and concepts are great but too many of us, yes like me, get overwhelmed trying to take too much on while living our everyday lives.


So, it doesn't matter the day, the week, the month or the time of year, you can only make changes to your life when that light switch goes off in your head and you say to yourself, now I am ready.  Just so you know the more people that give you hassle about making these changes: Stop Smoking, Stop Drinking, Eat Healthy, Exercise, Make an Effort the less likely you will do it.  


I find that if you set yourself a daily or weekly task and no more then that and get use to it, engulf it into your life then move onto the next thing, you will be more likely to succeed.  


Example:  You know you have to drink more water.  Each day and no more then a day at a time, get up in the morning and say my only task for today is my intake of water.  


What task are you setting yourself?  Will it be:  Today I will achieve going for a walk or Today I will achieve not eating any chocolate or Today, I will meditate for 10 mins or Today, I will start my gratitude list.  

Remember you do not even have to think ahead to tomorrow, just achieve today.  


I will leave you with this, that brought me huge inspiration many years ago: Take a look at this Yourtube Video from a Navy Seal who learnt about the importance of making your bed each day:

Hindsight - Is it a great thing? 

After listening to Newstalk earlier, there was a TD on and she was telling of her experiences in government and she was saying Hilary Clinton has released a book and states "You never forget, you just move on".  This got me thinking about HINDSIGHT.  I am that person who doesn't want regrets in life.  In other words as I have already said, when I am on my death bed, let me regret what I did do NOT what I didn't.  I am also a believer in "I made decisions at the time based on the factors / information / what was happening at the time, why in gods name would I want HINDSIGHT to remind me or make me feel horrible about past decisions?  I take accountability for my actions. I learned from the lessons when it blew up in my face and rejoiced when it worked out"

Thank you to for this image I found on google.  It is a good one.   

HINDSIGHT is it a good thing? or is it just a horrible reminder?  Those of you who are beating yourself up, perhaps this is your reminder to move on.  You don't forget and those that tell you, you do, are lying.  Another way of looking at things is, you can spend hours / days / weeks / months making a decision but your final outcome on any situation comes down to that last split second of do it or don't do it. 

You make a decision based on the factors / information / what is happening at the time / people in your life.  Of course if you had to make the decision again you may make it differently given that you may have other things / people in your life now that you didn't back then or maybe you would still make the same decision. 

So again, I pose the question -  IS HINDSIGHT A GREAT THING? 

Well only you can decide if it is or if it is not for you! 

Me?  It is what it is and I choose it NOT to be the greatest thing.

You can't change the past. 

Are you really going to keep mulling over decisions that you have made or can you move on and keep living in the now?

A Reason, A Season, A Lifetime

Who loves a bit of perspective on the head scratches of life.  I know I do.  I also know that I am not so far up my own derriere that I can't learn from others especially when something has been highly recommended to me.  I was introduced to this wonderful poem / composition back in 2016 and I must say I got this huge ding dong moment.  The original one was from an author unknown but I do sadly see other people trying to take recognition for it.  I have suggested to many people over the years to read this.  I do ask for one favour, please; Read this not only from the point of view of people who have wronged you but for the people you too have wronged or a nicer way of putting it; for the times you too have removed yourself from people's lives.

I do hope the unknown author got their recognition that they deserved because it is a masterpiece of writing and perspective. 

My Book

I wrote a book in 2020 called Been There Done That Still Not Bought the T-shirt.  Instead of publishing the book, I decided to record each chapter and put it up on YouTube. I did this in the hope that someone who needed a helping hand during COVID would stumble across it and either cry from laughter or help them with a bit of life's perspective all from the ramblings of a 40 odd year old.  Still up there on YouTube.  Here is the introduction:

Edgar Allan Poe stated "All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream"  

C.G. Jung stated “Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.”

I am no Edgar Allan Poe or C.G. Jung but life has given me experiences and to me, in my humble opinion, those experiences are what we have and they are what and why I used to write my first book.  Enjoy


Medical Mayhem an Outline

Does anyone really want to look back over their life and think "some of my vast experiences, time and effort have gone into dealing with the medical profession of Ireland" and yet here I am at 47 thinking, who can learn from me? who can I help? how do I make sure, I look at my time of dealing with the medical profession from a positive perspective?  hmmmm.

The following photo was taken earlier this year.  22nd March to be precise, the day I would finally meet a consultant who has his head screwed on the right way and get this, wants to listen and help.  I am counting my lucky stars before anyone asks.  No, honestly its true.

Between being accused of being a hypochondriac for many years, listening to comments of "you are band from my office unless you are pregnant" or "your partner needs to do the decent thing at this stage" or when I collapsed in a specialists office and he stood over me, looked at my Dad & Mum and states "oh so she is sick"  to which my poor Dad responded "what did you think, we were only coming here for the good of our health?" to which the consultant said "well we just thought she was putting it on" . 

These are just the bare minimum of comments, there are 100's and if you have found this blog then you know what I am talking about.  The person in this picture, thanks be to god looks the picture of health but between IBS, Crohns, Diverticulitis, Back and neck pain and bulging discs on my spine and prior to February 2017 women's issues of the highest, life with the medical profession has certainly been interesting since I was born.   If I sound like I am making light of it, trust me I am not but for my sanity I need to remain positive.  

 Now, I am no superhuman, I have my down days and angry days but overall, I remain positive as I like to think I am the boss of myself  not these blasted aliens in my body.